Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bear Grylls the awesomus starus ofus Man vs

Dear Earthling Gooches.


enough said.

Until Then

Hi, I'm Bear Grylls. I'll be showing you how to survive in the wild. And I'm taking my camera crew with me.

Lol jks,

But Bear Grylls is like the bestest ever survivor man to ever host a tv show. Just watch his episodes of Man vs. Wild. He shows you how to make fires, how to make rafts, how to fall off your raft, what is edible, what to do when you don't have any water and, most importantly, how to get rescued.


He's sooooo good that there are even parodies of Man vs. Wild with Bear Grylls (mychonny):

In conclusion, Bear Grylls. 'nuf said.

M - 18/08/10

Hi, my name is Bear Grylls. I can fly, I invented a new sport called mountain poling, I know about all the crazy things tourists have done when lost, I know every plant and animal species in the world, I have eaten one too many disgusting things, I know over 99999 survival techniques, I have cheated death 100000 times WHOOOOO,

That is Bear's bio which he would happily give to his employer in a job interview.

Yes, at some times I have been jealous of my camera crew, the time when he spotted a snake which i didnt see.

Enof said like david,


Monday, August 16, 2010

CHUUUCK USS some Hair Bewbs

I GET TO START A GROUP BLOG!!! BYAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! which means no one can blame me for not doing my bit for this post... at least (Y)

What makes me want to type? 5 words: CHUCK, US, some, Hair, Bewbs [ ;) on the last one]

Let's analyse this lik an English teacher >


Started in cadets, spread like an epidemic ever since

Well for one whole night anywayz

Anywayz u needa say CHUCK US in a very very distinct very bogan accent. And u need the length, the legato, the stress on teh accents i.e. CHHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCKK UUUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then u add some random word slash phrase, and by random, I mean anything - absolutely anything.

Like Tiger Woods saying CHUCK US a putter, and yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
OR CHUCK US SOME HAIR BEWBS, which creates a smooth transition into analysis numero duo.

Hair Bewbs.

Term that culd only have come from the black man himself, DAWID. No srsly, this came from him XD
Where'd he get this from? From the budgie-smuggling opposition leader of Australia at the moment, Tony Abbott. Here's the goods:

Caption: 'In the beginning, God created nipples. And then he thought: "why did I put them on men?"

NOW do you get the term 'hair' 'bewbs'??? If u dont, u're retarded, or just straight, possibly both...

BUT the main lesson to b learnt here is that there is a new word in our vocabulary... Namely OUR vocabulary. 'hair' 'bewbs'...

Wonder who else has em - not that I want to know or anything...

Until, the next time mX CHUCKs US some Hair Bewbs,

M - Friday August 13, 2010

*NO copyright infringement-ing intended. Source: mX

For once, I can say NEXT ------------------------------->

Dear Earth,


I'd like to knight the term 'Hair Bewbz' as one of my many awesome sexy terms such as

Left Cock
Walking Blowjob
Staple your tongue too your foreskin
Drop a black dick on your face

I've told you guys those ones before aye? :P

well yeah,

it was sorta spontaneous HOLY SHIT I JUST THOUGHT OF SOMETHING AWESOME moments at the train station xD

because i'm a sick bastard and i'm black,

here's a few hair bewbz


not cool.

who knew porn made it in to google images =O
there wasnt even hair on them soccer balls...

that takes me to a weird thing.


it's so ergh....

if you guys want i'll post one of them 'hair boobs'
which ARENT hair boobs at all.


what a dodge.

Until Then



Moving on tooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


i blame this whole post on david who pointed it out in the mx .

GEEEEZ david, just because hes got so many pubes all around his body and wearing speedos O___O.


CHUCKKKK USSSS SOMEEEE of david's clothes.




CHUCKKKK USSSS SOMEEEE support for the blog  :P. ( come on, its only dino who regularly visits this blog)

Adrian, Out

Ep.1 Black's Anatomy: Being 'high' before the 'shot'

Sup Earth!!!!'s gooches... (happy now adrian?)

SOOOOOO at our usual muso jam seshes today, horace found a pacer and decided to play SYRINGE!!!!

Everyone's played it aye? when you press the button and you stab someone and then it looks like you injected them but you didnt cos the lead went into the paster... :D


yeah horace decided to inject ME.

and for some really weird screwed up reason I STARTED LAUGHING UNCONTROLLABLY WITH AN EPIC HIGH PITCH.

it was like i lost my balls and natural instinct forced me into being retarded.

hopefully i dont have another appointment tomroo xD

i dunno,

check it out xD

and turn down your sound cos it's a bit dodge and loud


watching this hurts =_="


watching this myself is degrading enough

anyways, i'm eating cheese and bacon balls atm.

which is the most awesomest snack EVAR.

what else has a name that is synonymous with TESTICLES?

and im also making the chocolate ganache tart... AGAIN!

for a friend's birthday........ and yeah..

is gonna be AWESOME..

Until Then,



Sup Earth... people :P

TODAY WAS VERY VERY FUNNY. (Notice that I said today, meaning that I'm actually doin my part at the right time :O)

As usual, on rainy days, and non rainy days, the "Fantastic Four" go to muso to hav a jam sesh. TRANSLATION: David, Adrian, me, Horace go to the music department to play music. Sounds like we're sophisticated aye? LOL JKS we got nothing better to do...

Anyway, today we noticed a pacer in ROOM 13!!! Room 13 is like our home away from home away from home. It's got a piano, chairs, limbo stands, double sound proof(?) doors, no mirror, no bin... but back to the goods. We found a pacer!!! It's lik a pen but pencil, which can be treated lik a needle if u use it not correctly.

Dawid had gone out to get us a bin [as usual] but this time Horace was armed with the neeedl- I mean pacer. So we hear Dawid's footsteps getting louder and louder as he returned to Room 13... actually... the music depart. is all carpeted, so we didn't hear him :S BUT when he did return, he took one glance at the pacer, and started laughing.

HIS LAUGH WAS FUNNY-WEIRD-HIGHPITCHED-CRAZYNESS-BLACK-NEVERHEARDBEFORE-ONTHEFLOOR It was making everyone laugh, everyone. Soooo we were caught inbetween trying to stab/inject Dawid with the pacer and laughing at Dawid laughing. It kinda stopped us from stabbing/injecting him. Dawid was laughing so hard and so much that he had gone to octaves we didn't know teenage boys had, he had managed to lie on the floor, and he had manged to get his head under my chair. I made the comment that Dawid was already 'high', even before he got the shot :L

And so good ol' Hadrian filmed most of it - the climax parts. I gav it the name Black's Anatomy (coz of Dawid). And there will be a follow-up appointment tomorrow... hopes XD/


Until the next appointment,

M - 10th of the 8th of the 2010th


It all began on a rainy day in room 13 ( the room w/o a mirror OMGGG!!!! ). Then, a magical pacer appeared out of nowhere ( nah it was actually picked up from the ground, possibility of containing some horrible disease ). At the same time, there was a ludicrous patient asking spaz on the piano playing some deafening music and singing horrific lyrics which will shock anyone. Matthew, Horace and I knew what to do with this LUDICROUS guy: give him an injection and save HUMANITY, because David has aids, malaria, blackotosis, niggergitis, etc.  Everyone saw what happened to the world in I Am Legend, we knew we couldn't let David raise an army of black people singing Neyo and other RnB songs. However, David was a vicious beast with his 'break-dancing' kicks, which he must have developed from watching Step-Up. Will David be stopped from infecting the world with his blackness? Watch the video and find out!!!!!!!

Any suggestions to a sequel can be added. Greatly appreciated.

In 2012 when the world is predicted to end, the pacer used in this video, will be up for sale. This is no ordinary pacer, hand crafted by people in China, with some mutated diseases at tip. It will save anyone in 2012.


Ep.2 Black's Anatomy: Black's Anatomy Ft. Ping Guise

Dear Earth,

Dawid here.


Black's anatomy and Two and a Half Librarians.

yeahhhh enjoy.

Black's anatomy (Ft. Horace) is about a patient who is supposed to get injected by an "experienced" doctor.

that's about it.



Until Then,



Hi again!

Who would've though? We've got to episode 2!!

The crew was kinda angry that I 'leaked' episode 1 of Black's Anatomy. I thought it was a good preview, or movie trailer... Oh well, if you did see it- SSSSHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Might as well formally introduce the new MADproductions show, BLACK'S ANATOMY! If you wanted to know how it started, watch Ep. 1 in the previous post =P Well, there was that hospital feel while filming, so while filming I started calling out that the name of the show was called 'Black's Anatomy' and it turned out to be very very fitting :O Coz David's black!! And we've stuck with the name since (for two eps.)
Uhhhh so it's MAD ft. Ping Guise (that's why it's a MADproduction).

What's Ep. 2 all about?? CLICK PLAY ON THE VID BAR but srsly, it's got a changing storyline every second (kinda lik ad lib.) and coz I've forgotten every single detail we did in that sesh of filming XD

And as Dawid has already said:

Black's anatomy and Two and a Half Librarians.
Which, hopefully, will come true...

Until the next Ep. SO STAY TUNED,
M - 12/08/2010

I think this video deserves a reward.

Look at the way David Ng ( the superstar ) scream. Great performance by david ng. Bravo. I think he deserves a congratulations. MEXICAN STYLE. TRUE GENIUS. I hope David will continue of successful career of a screaming patient out of control. Truly inspirational. Even though the background doesnt look like a hospital and has a piano in the room, David fulfills the role perfectly. Pay close attention to his one piece which does not fit him. :P

Adrian out